Profile picture for user GIReiner
Profile picture for user GIReiner

Andrew Reiner

Andrew Reiner has been a staple in the pages of Game Informer since 1995. His obsession with video games is linked to his earliest childhood memory – being picked up by his mother so he could view an Asteroids coin-op at a Pizza Hut. From weekly trips to arcades to owning every system that hit the market since the Atari 2600, Andrew has dedicated his life to video games. Andrew is also the co-writer of the book Prime: A Genesis Series Event, and guitarist in the band The Rapture Twins. He is working on his first game, a board game tentatively called Project Grendel, which will release in 2019.


LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars Review

Even with so much of the gameplay clinging to the formula Traveller’s Tales created for its first LEGO game, The Clone Wars offers a vastly different experience that captures the best of both of the LEGO and Star Wars licenses.

MLB 11: The Show Review

The Show won Game Informer’s Sports Game of the Year honors last
year, and the product Sony put on the field this season takes a dramatic
step forward.
gamer culture

Portal Turret Sentry Accurately Recreated In LEGO

Portal's turret sentries are so polite that it's easy to forgive them as
they shoot off your face. In addition to being well-mannered, the
turrets are also adorably designed. If you thought they couldn't get any
cuter, prepare to be proven wrong.

Knights Contract Review

Heinrich and Gretchen’s journey is tiresome, but when the game works the
way it should, the duo creates a wonderfully
chaotic storm on the battlefield that empowers the player with the
feeling of being unstoppable.

Knights Contract Review

Heinrich and Gretchen’s journey is tiresome, but when the game works the way it should, the duo creates a wonderfully chaotic storm on the battlefield that empowers the player with the feeling of being unstoppable.