
Just Cause 3 Review – Viva La Revolution

… 3 Review – Viva La Revolution … Players may find their enthusiasm flagging at times, but it’s hard not to cackle …


Video Game Personality Brittney 'Blonde Nerd' Brombacher Shares Her Top Games Of 2015

… has earned a reputation for her hilarious and unbridled enthusiasm for games. Find out which ones she got the most …


A Conversation With The Man Behind The Ambitious $200,000 Star Wars RPG Kickstarter

… … It's an overly ambitious project, but one with genuine enthusiasm. … A Conversation With The Man Behind The …

video interview

The Road To Detroit: Inside Quantic Dream's Tech Demos

… about Pixar inspiring their tech demos and the surprising enthusiasm surrounding a robot named Kara. … The Road To …


Two Episodes In, And Hitman Still Misses The Target

… the latest Hitman's "episodic" format continues to kill my enthusiasm for the title. … Two Episodes In, And Hitman Still …

gamer culture

Here's A Very Enthusiastic Rendition Of The Pokémon TV Show Theme Song On Kazoo

… play the kazoo, but it takes a certain type of talent and enthusiasm to make the act an impossible to look away …


Opinion – Publishers Should Stop Mistaking Gamer Enthusiasm For Stupidity

… Opinion – Publishers Should Stop Mistaking Gamer Enthusiasm For Stupidity … Customers should be treated like a … … Opinion – Publishers Should Stop Mistaking Gamer Enthusiasm For Stupidity …


Gamescom Attendees Numbered 335,000 From 88 Different Countries

… … Gamescom is a pulsing, thrumming, mass of video game enthusiasm. … Gamescom Attendees Numbered 335,000 From 88 …


CosBlog #79: Miranda Lawson by Lindze

… CosBlog #79: Miranda Lawson by Lindze … [Genuine enthusiasm] I’m fairly certain my jaw hit the floor when I …


Suda51 Discusses His Favorite Games Of 2013

… … Suda discusses his love for Hotline Miami and shares his enthusiasm for upcoming titles like The Last Guardian. … …

reader discussion

Reader Discussion: Does The Facebook Acquisition Change Your View Of The Oculus Rift?

… about virtual reality? Or does the deal poison your enthusiasm?  … Reader Discussion: Does The Facebook …


Double Fine's Massive Chalice Releasing In June

… Age finished, we can start directing our Double Fine enthusiasm toward the company's other big Kickstarter-funded …

reader discussion

Readers Respond: Fallout 4 Hype Leads In E3 Enthusiasm Poll

… Readers Respond: Fallout 4 Hype Leads In E3 Enthusiasm Poll … Readers overwhelmingly voice excitement for … conference. … Readers Respond: Fallout 4 Hype Leads In E3 Enthusiasm Poll …


HBO Coming To A PS3 Near You

… Near You … Look forward to downloading Big Love, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Entourage, and more right to your system. … HBO …


Double Fine's Massive Chalice Releasing In June

… Age finished, we can start directing our Double Fine enthusiasm toward the company's other big Kickstarter-funded …


Double Fine's Massive Chalice Releasing In June

… Age finished, we can start directing our Double Fine enthusiasm toward the company's other big Kickstarter-funded …


Westworld Mobile's Reveries Fall Flat

… night, but this greedy slog isn’t a good way to keep fan enthusiasm rolling. … Westworld Mobile's Reveries Fall Flat …


Hints Of Shadow Complex 2

… 2 … Chair studio head Donald Mustard has expressed his enthusiasm about releasing a sequel. … Hints Of Shadow …


Capcom Files New Darkstalkers Trademark

… but producer Yoshinori Ono has been talking about his enthusiasm for the series for years. … Capcom Files New …


Prove You're Worthy To Watch Michael Bay's Need For Speed Commercial

… stuff or new maps if you use Facebook to broadcast your enthusiasm for its products. In EA's case, you get a …