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Profile picture for user GIPhil

Phil Kollar


Replay – The Hobbit

Join us as we explore the Shire in Sierra's attempt to render Tolkien's classic fantasy novel in game form.
reader discussion

Weekend Warrior 12/02/11

We're all still recovering from the long Thanksgiving weekend and
preparing for the fresh blast of cold weather in Minnesota, which means
plenty of lazy time bundled up inside this weekend to play games. Here's
what we'll be tackling this weekend.
quick 15

Quick 15: Xenoblade Chronicles

With a full European retail version of Xenoblade Chronicles up and
running, we settle in to look at the first 15 minutes of this anticipated JRPG.

Reiner And Phil Play Corpse Party

You may have never heard of the obscure Japanese horror/adventure game
Corpse Party before, but prepare to have it stuck in your subconscious

MotorStorm Dev Says Sony Saved It From Apocalypse

MotorStorm Apocalypse definitely wasn't a bad game,
but it faced a lot of trouble previous entries in the racing series
didn't. According to the head of developer Evolution
Studios, the team only survived because of Sony's support.
gamer culture

Inside The Mind Of A Skyrim Serial Killer

We've seen plenty of interesting fan videos since the launch of The
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, but there's been nothing as wildly creepy and
disturbing as this one. If you're squeamish or easily freaked out, I
recommend turning away now.