Profile picture for user GIReiner
Profile picture for user GIReiner

Andrew Reiner

Andrew Reiner has been a staple in the pages of Game Informer since 1995. His obsession with video games is linked to his earliest childhood memory – being picked up by his mother so he could view an Asteroids coin-op at a Pizza Hut. From weekly trips to arcades to owning every system that hit the market since the Atari 2600, Andrew has dedicated his life to video games. Andrew is also the co-writer of the book Prime: A Genesis Series Event, and guitarist in the band The Rapture Twins. He is working on his first game, a board game tentatively called Project Grendel, which will release in 2019.


Behold! Batman: Arkham City's Box Art

When you find yourself sprinting through a store to grab a copy of Batman: Arkham City on October 18, keep your eyes peeled for the black and white box art with a bloody knuckled crime fighter on the cover.

Portal 2 Sales Top 3 Million Copies

At the eighth annual Games for Change Festival, Valve's Gabe Newell was one of the speakers, and he dropped a little interesting information: Portal 2 has sold 3 million copies since its April 18 release.

Duke Nukem Forever Review: 12 Years In The Making

If you’ve been following Duke’s development all these years, the
campaign is worth a look. Nothing about it is truly remarkable or to the scale
of other genre heavyweights, but it is a fun run when it fires on all

Duke Nukem Forever Review: 12 Years In The Making

If you’ve been following Duke’s development all these years, the
campaign is worth a look. Nothing about it is truly remarkable or to the scale
of other genre heavyweights, but it is a fun run when it fires on all

Dead Island Pre-Order Comes With Free DLC

Dead Island
isn't due out until August, but you may want to throw down a few
dollars to reserve your copy now, as anyone who pre-orders the game at GameStop will get the "Bloodbath Arena" DLC free of charge.