Profile picture for user GIMeagan
Profile picture for user GIMeagan

Meagan Marie


CosBlog # 73: Warrior of Light by Epi-Corner

Epi-Corner’s Epic Warrior of Light costume shows how a little can go a
long way. Primarily constructed out of craft foam in a two-month
marathon of little sleep, the final photos look like the game came to

CosBlog # 72: Sophitia by Nadya

Nadya’s Sophitia cosplay is a great example of how location and
photography can complement a fantastic costume. The photos look as
pitch-perfect as Nadya herself.

CosBlog #70: Castlevania Tribute by Adelhaid & Faeryx

Konami’s Castlevania series boasts some of the most intricate and elegant costumes in the business. This reality makes taking on a character from the franchise a challenging prospect, but one that Adelhaid and Faeryx overcame, and then some.

CosBlog # 68: Birth by Sleep Tribute by Dark and Ven

Not only are these costumes impressive on a technical level, but the moody and majestic photography puts this cosplay heads and shoulders above the competition. Major props to both Dark and Ven on their phenomenal Birth by Sleep tribute.

Cosblog #64: Dissidia Jecht By Elffi

I've heard time and time again (and know from personal
experience) that cosplay can be a huge motivation to get in shape and improve
your health. Cosplayer Elffi set his eye on Dissidia's Jecht and did just that.

CosBlog # 63: Princess White Rose By Malro Doll

You may remember Malro Doll from another recent CosBlog, when she stepped into the pantsuit of James for a memorable Team Rocket photoshoot. This time, the internationally-known cosplayer is back with one of her earlier ensembles.

CosBlog # 61: Rising Raiden By PhDPepper

This week’s costume required one cosplayer to get seriously crafty with craft foam. PhDPepper’s work takes armor fabrication to another level, with impressive attention to detail and obvious patience in the painting department.

CosBlog #58: Circe By Kiwi5frog

Cosplayer Tracy (Kiwi5Frog) braved the cold to shoot her tribute to
DCUO’s Circe, preparing the costume in less than a week to make an
upcoming deadline.

CosBlog #56: Team Rocket By R&R

While the costumes are simple enough, Team Rocket’s wild hairstyles make
them somewhat difficult characters to pull off. Not for Russian
cosplayers R&R, though, who took the time to style each wig to