blog herding

Blog Herding: Community Edition 01/26/12

The recent delivery of the Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning demo had the community buzzing this week, but if that doesn't interest you, there are plenty of other excellent blogs from a wide array of topics to pick from.
blog herding

Blog Herding: Community Edition 01/19/12

We're in that period after the holidays where there is a lull in the release of new games, but the Game Informer blogging community has still published a number of thought-provoking blogs, including the ones below.
blog herding

Blog Herding: Community Edition 12/15/11

As many of us are busy preparing for the holidays, quite a few gamers are preparing for the imminent release of The Old Republic. What better way to help pass the time than reading some community blogs, including a sampling of the best included below?
blog herding

Blog Herding: Community Edition 12/08/11

This week marks the lowest number of blogs submitted by the community since the return of Blog Herding, but don't be alarmed by the decrease in output, there are still plenty of great blogs to read including the ones listed here.
blog herding

Blog Herding: Community Edition 12/01/11

As expected with any long holiday weekend, the blogging community output was a bit lower than usual this week. But that doesn't mean there weren't some exceptional blogs posted for your reading pleasure.
blog herding

Blog Herding: Community Edition 11/24/11

Gamers have much to be thankful for this season with the release of so many great games to occupy our time. Something else to be thankful for – the outstanding blogs posted by the Game Informer user community this week.