Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series - Episode 2: Under Pressure

PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, PC

Replay – Marc Eckō's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure

… Replay – Marc Eckō's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure … Released in 2003, fashion designer Marc Eckō … game designer with Marc Eckō's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure. … Replay – Marc Eckō's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure


Telltale's Second Episode Of Guardians Of The Galaxy Hits June 6

… 6 … The music-inspired episode titles continue with "Under Pressure." … Telltale's Second Episode Of Guardians Of The …


Washington State Puts The Pressure On Valve To Stop Illegal Skins Gambling

… Washington State Puts The Pressure On Valve To Stop Illegal Skins Gambling … The … or face the consequences. … Washington State Puts The Pressure On Valve To Stop Illegal Skins Gambling …


Cracking Under The Pressure Of Darkest Dungeon At PAX

… Cracking Under The Pressure Of Darkest Dungeon At PAX … Darkest Dungeon continues to impress at PAX. … Cracking Under The Pressure Of Darkest Dungeon At PAX …

reader discussion

Reader Discussion: What Destiny Class Are You Starting With?

… are three classes, but only one has a throwing knife. No pressure. … Reader Discussion: What Destiny Class Are You …


NHL 14 Preview: Living The Life

… NHL 14 Preview: Living The Life … Can you handle the pressure of being an NHL pro? … A Taste Of The NHL Life …


The Unfinished Swan Music and Sound Developer Diary

… becomes monumental. How does a designer hold up under the pressure? How, we ask you? Why would you even know? … The …


TxK Developer Says Atari Applying Legal Pressure Over Tempest Similarities

… TxK Developer Says Atari Applying Legal Pressure Over Tempest Similarities … A fight is brewing … of the company.  … TxK Developer Says Atari Applying Legal Pressure Over Tempest Similarities …


Ecko Unltd. Says Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure Sequel Is In The Works

… Ecko Unltd. Says Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure Sequel Is In The Works … According to a tweet from … a sequel to Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure is currently in the works. … Ecko Unltd. Says Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure Sequel Is In The Works …


PlayStation 4 Controller Removes Pressure Sensitive Buttons

… PlayStation 4 Controller Removes Pressure Sensitive Buttons … We've heard all about the new … has been removed. … PlayStation 4 Controller Removes Pressure Sensitive Buttons …


EEDAR: Big Three Under Added E3 Pressure

… EEDAR: Big Three Under Added E3 Pressure … EEDAR representatives believe that the PlayStation … 3DS could help reinvigorate the industry – but that added pressure to make an impact at E3 this year is part of the package deal.   … EEDAR: Big Three Under Added E3 Pressure


EA Defends Medal of Honor Amidst Taliban Controversy

… Rather than take the Konami route and succumb to political pressure, EA is sticking to its guns and defending Medal of …


Atari Legal Issues Keep Ecko From Getting Up

… he wants to revive Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure, but legal entaglements with Atari barricade the …

reader discussion

Weekend Warrior – Cracking Under The Pressure

… our weekends. … Weekend Warrior – Cracking Under The Pressure


Bethesda May Not Release The Elder Scrolls: Legends On Systems That Don't Allow Crossplay

… The publisher is putting pressure on console makers to embrace cross-platform …


Under Construction: The Process, Pressure, And Mindset Behind Developing With Early Access

… Under Construction: The Process, Pressure, And Mindset Behind Developing With Early Access … … Early Access On Steam. … Under Construction: The Process, Pressure, And Mindset Behind Developing With Early Access …