
Pokémon Go Is An Incredible Phenomenon (And A Janky Mess)

… playing – the mobile game, but its popularity comes at a frustrating cost. … Pokémon Go Is An Incredible Phenomenon …


Pokémon Go Developer Finally Comments After Frustrating Updates Make Users Furious

… Pokémon Go Developer Finally Comments After Frustrating Updates Make Users Furious … App ratings have … … Pokémon Go Developer Finally Comments After Frustrating Updates Make Users Furious …


Persona 4: Dancing All Night Review – Reach Out For The Dance Floor

… best effort, falling flat with its music selection and frustrating interface. … Reach Out For The Dance Floor …


Nuclear Throne Review — Fast, Fun, And Frustrating

… Nuclear Throne Review — Fast, Fun, And Frustrating … Nuclear Throne somehow manages to be both fun and frustrating at the same time. … Fast, Fun, And Frustrating


Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India Review – Some Trial, Mostly Error

… Creed Chronicles: India squanders its potential thanks to frustrating stealth gameplay, dull story, and a lack of …


Narcosis Review – Not Quite Buoyant

… tells an interesting story, but the dull and occasionally frustrating game it's wrapped around make it hard to …


Tales of Zestiria Review – Losing Passion And Inspiration

… battle system and more mature story, but they're wasted on frustrating, inexcusable gameplay mechanics.  … Losing …


République: Exordium Review – An Ambitious And Sometimes Frustrating Start

… République: Exordium Review – An Ambitious And Sometimes Frustrating Start … If you can forgive some frustrations, … ambitious episodic title. … An Ambitious And Occasionally Frustrating Start …


Game Informer's Fourth Annual Glitchie Awards

… Another year, another crop of memorable, entertaining, and frustrating game glitches. … Game Informer's Fourth Annual …