Profile picture for user GIMiller
Profile picture for user GIMiller

Matt Miller


Matt Miller has been writing and editing at Game Informer since 2004, when his love of writing and games were given a professional outlet, instead of being a distraction from the work he was supposed to be doing. He received a B.A. in 2002 from St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN, where he studied writing, music, and psychology. His gaming background stretches back to the Atari 2600, and the early PC and console role-playing games locked in his love of the hobby. Matt has a special interest in the evolution of game design, the tabletop hobby, and the crafting of interactive narrative. Whenever possible, he retreats to his darkened lair to enjoy an extensive collection of books, comics, and toys.


Activision Publishing Gets New CEO

Eric Hirshberg is a marketing executive who will now oversee operations
management, product development, and consumer marketing for one of
gaming's biggest companies.

Impulse Hub Launches

Welcome to your resource to explore XBLA, PSN, WiiWare, and more in the independent and downloadable game scene.
e3 2010

Pirates Offers More Than Expected

One of the happiest surprises of E3 was Pirates of the Caribbean:
Armada of the Damned, an intriguing new action/RPG that could appeal to
fans and newcomers alike.