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Profile picture for user GIAnnette

Annette Gonzalez


Weekend Warrior 11/20/09

Sequels have taken over! Looks like the GI staff will play a lot of ACII, MW2, L4D2 and GOW2 this weekend. What's on your list? Let us know.

Crime Scene Hands-on Preview

Game Informer got some hands-on time to build our first case in
Crime Scene from SouthPeak Games, an adventure title reminiscent of
Phoenix Wright gone CSI that makes full use of the DS technology to
provide a handheld forensics lab.

Weekend Warrior 11/13/09

Sounds like the GI staff will be spending some time this weekend guessed it...MW2, as well as Jurassic: The Hunted? Chime in and let us know what you're playing this weekend.

Hotel Dusk Sequel Coming Next Year?

Though there are no verified details as of now, retail listings have
been leaked online for two Nintendo games: a sequel to Hotel Dusk and
Dynamic Zan, both set for release Q1 2010 in Japan.