blog herding

We've got another week of entertaining blogs for you to enjoy, but before you read them, take a moment to pause and reflect that on this day back in 2006, Half-Life 2: Episode One went gold.

Blog Herding Stats:

Period Reviewed: May 14 – May 20, 2012
Number of User Blogs: 110
Number of User Bloggers: 59
Number of User Blogs Herded: 10

Community Blogs:

How To Create A Successful Game
Most of us know a bad game when we experience it, but creating a successful game is far more challenging. Mike outlines a number of qualities present in nearly every successful video game.

Improving Pokemon Stadium For The Wii U
A clever and colorful post by iDreamRunner, offering up a few recommendations to improve the next version of Pokémon Stadium for the Nintendo Wii U.

Pay To Play What You Paid To Play
Not only does this blog by Jon Gregory aka JMan240 sport a catchy title, it discusses an important issue concerning the future of Xbox Live, and whether its price model will continue to force gamers to pay for Microsoft's premium service.

The Top Ten Face Warmers In Gaming
This epic piece posted by Le Hannibal that includes commentary from friend and fellow blogger Jolt, captures their list of the top ten characters proudly displaying their remarkable facial hair.

Top 10 Iconic First Levels
Inspired by one of Andy McNamara's Letter from the Editor columns, thegodofwine7's latest list is for his favorite first levels which commonly "set the table for everything to come."

The "Best" iPhone Games
In terms of popularity, Apple's iPhone ranks right up there with the rest of the handheld gaming devices. Caudex shares his list of favorite games, complete with a brief description of each that you might also enjoy.

Video Game Stories Need To Improve
Most of us would agree story telling is an important element of any good video game. JC questions whether the stories in current generation games are merely adequate and if they could be improved.

Memorial Day Blog Contest
Chris Mrkvicka takes a pause from playing video games to remind us that Memorial Day is right around the corner. To observe the event, he is sponsoring a blogging contest that includes prizes.

Sniper Elite V2 Had Greatness In Its Sights
Kyle Wadsworth revisits Sniper Elite V2 and blogs about the experience, which includes some multiplayer action while playing in tandem with fellow community member Mojomonkey12.

Why Video Games Shouldn't Be Art
Sure, it's old news and a controversial topic, but this blog by DarkLadySarai takes a contrarian perspective and reveals that not all gamers believe video games are in fact art. Share your thoughts.

Community Reviews:

Just One More Block, And I Swear I'll Stop
Stranger is among the many captivated by the magic of Minecraft and contributed to its overwhelming success when it released earlier this month. He gives the game a final score of 9.5 out of 10.

Sonic 4: Episode 2
Kyle Lock provides a thorough analysis for Sega's latest attempt to breathe life back into the series with Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II. The review is exceptional but the game appears to be mediocre.

Game Of Thrones Review
HBO's hit show Game of Thrones is now available as a video game and Frosty is currently one of the few GIO users to have posted a review for it. Also, check out Frosty's profile for other great reviews.

Partying With Mario Just Got Better
It's hard to believe there have been nine games in the Mario Party series, and Apricot provides a detailed review of the latest one that just released in March 2012.

Community Podcasts:

The 4th Floor Season 2 Episode 5
Liz and Nick make their triumphant return after a rather lengthy hiatus. In this episode, they talk about where they've been, what they're up to, and other trendy topics. Listener discretion advised for mild language.

Introducing The JACKED UP Indie & Mojo Show
The podcast is boasting a new name to incorporate the addition of Jack, the Quixotic Gamer as a co-host, but it's still the same great show. If you like video games, this might be the podcast for you.

Don't forget to send your feedback, recommendations, and community events in to my personal Game Informer account located here to ensure this feature continues to provide the content you're eager to read.

Happy Blogging!

Your friendly neighborhood blogging community (05/14/12 – 05/20/12):
Ali Rapp (2);  AshaMan3000 (4);  atlaw01 (3);  Black Rook;  blaze6106;  Cameron Koch;  Caudex (5);  Chris Mrkvicka;  Chris, the savior of the galaxy?;  Christopher Williams;  DarkLadySarai;  Dawson Wyckoff;  Derreck;  DJH (6);  Doctor Apozem (4);  Drym Shyuan (4);  Frosty;  God Of Irony;  GoldvsSilver;  iDreamRunner;  indiejones;  J Warrior;  JBBs;  JC;  JealousOfCrows;  Jolt the Cynic (6);  Jon Gregory aka JMan240 (2);  Jonathan Harrison;  jordanthegamer;  Kyle Wadsworth;  Le Hannibal (4);  maxiboy77;  Meta77;  Mike (4);  my pants are on fire;  nathan98;  Noobtubin8er (2);  Oni no Tenshi;  PatManDude101;  Peter Skerritt Jr;  Prince of Snark Euphoric Ennui ;  Rabid Chipmunk (2);  redlitez76;  Romars202129; ShadowDragyn;  Silvershine08;  slymd83;  Sora3Ben;  sorryjzargo (6);  Stepjem;  Stranger (7);  SuperKingC77;  The Monster Hunter;  thegodofwine7;  TOGNick;  xking595x (4);  xl9;  ynoT0312Taz; and of course yours truly...Saint.

Video Game Quote of the Week:
"Think I'm getting some kind of rash." – Logan Carter, Dead Island