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Profile picture for user GIMeagan

Meagan Marie


Talking Co-op Shop In Dungeon Siege III

Obsidian’s upcoming title has been painted as Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance meets
Mass Effect. In a recent hands-on session at GDC, we got a chance to
dive deeper into the action/RPG and get a taste of co-op.

Talking Co-op Shop In Dungeon Siege III

Obsidian’s upcoming title has been painted as Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance meets
Mass Effect. In a recent hands-on session at GDC, we got a chance to
dive deeper into the action/RPG and get a taste of co-op.

Microsoft Details PAX East Plans

Microsoft will be at PAX East in a big way, offering up attendees the
chance to get their hands on Gears of War 3 and a handful of new XBLA
titles, test their grit in a Halo: Reach multiplayer tournament, and sit
in on relevant panels.

Epic Unveils Samaritan

Last week Epic presented what the future of games could look like in a tech demo titled “Samaritan,” but only teased a handful of screens. Today you can watch Samaritan in action.
gdc 2011

Seen At GDC: Day Five

GI has converged on San Francisco and is taking in the sights and
sounds of the 25th annual Game Developers Conference.