test chamber

Test Chamber – Professor Layton And The Miracle Mask

… Layton And The Miracle Mask … Bryan Vore and Jeff Cork spend some quality time with everyone's favorite puzzle-solving …

reader discussion

Weekend Warrior 4/4/14

… Weekend Warrior 4/4/14 … We are spending some quality time with games like Infamous Second Son, Diablo III, …


UPDATE: Hands-On With The 256-Player MAG Beta

… UPDATE: Hands-On With The 256-Player MAG Beta … We spend some quality time with the PlayStation 3's massive shooter. … …


Jimmy Fallon Checks Out Batman: Arkham City

… r Batman to release on Tuesday. … Jimmy Fallon Spends Some Quality Time With Batman …


Uncharted Novelization Hitting Before The Release Of Uncharted 3

… 3 … If you simply cannot wait until October 11 to spend some quality time with Nathan Drake and his pals, you're in luck. …


A Bunch Of Facts You May Not Know About The Vita

… Facts You May Not Know About The Vita … We’ve been able to spend some quality time with the Vita and here's our report. … A Bunch …


Jimmy Fallon Checks Out Batman: Arkham City

… Batman to release on Tuesday. … Jimmy Fallon Spends Some Quality Time With Batman …


Replay – The Bourne Conspiracy

… The Game Informer crew spends some quality time getting to know Jason Bourne and his quick-time …