Profile picture for user GIAnnette
Profile picture for user GIAnnette

Annette Gonzalez

dice 2011

Creating A Winning Team With The BioWare Method

Releasing one blockbuster title after the next is no accident. The
biggest part of releasing a successful game is recruiting and
maintaining a strong team, and BioWare's co-founders, Dr. Greg Zeschuk
and Dr. Ray Muzyka, explain how it's done.

Celebrating 10 Years Of D.I.C.E.

We caught up with Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences president emeritus, Joseph Olin, who tells us about
the summit's humble beginnings, its purpose, and why the event matters
to both you and the video game industry.

Weekend Warrior 02/04/11

It's Superbowl weekend! Are you watching the game or playing your own?
Check out what we're playing this weekend then post what games you're
working on in the comments section!

OMG DualPenSports Headed To 3DS

Namco Bandai has had a slew of announcements this week and today has
announced DualPenSports for 3DS. Wait, you don't know what
DualPenSports is? You may as well turn in your gamer card now.