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blog herding

Blog Herding: Community Edition 02/18/11

by Annette Gonzalez on Feb 18, 2011 at 11:00 AM

Blog Herding returns for another installment. Check out this week's community picks!

Play A Bad Video Game
Everyone has such high expectations of what a great game should be. In order to appreciate these quality titles, Cody Gilley thinks you should take the time to play a bad game once in a while.

Rock Songs That Should Be Made Into Games
Gamebeast23456 selects a few quality tunes that set the premise for potentially awesome gaming experiences.

Robot in the Corner Podcast: Episode 19 - Robot Reveals! Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Born4this has released episode 19 of the RITC podcast, this time around featuring Game Informer editors Tim Turi and Dan Ryckert. Tune in for a segment on the latest Castlevania! Don't forget to subscribe to the show!

The Community News Review Going Forward

Demon Ragnarok needs your help to keep this feature going! Want to participate? Read the post for details.

The Portable Race

First the console wars and now the portable race? With Nintendo, Sony, and Apple hyping up their latest portable, who has the best chance at success? Forsberg explores the topic.

Bjdbuch Interviews Ben Hanson!

Ben is the newest member of the Game Informer fam and here's your chance to learn more about the man behind the video camera thanks to this interview with bjdbuch.

GIO Blogging Rules & Guidelines. We Need Your Opinion!

Iceman (DStubbs) is spearheading a project for rules and guidelines in the blog section for newcomers. Voice your opinion in the comments section of the post!

Saint’s One Year Anniversary At Game Informer Online - TCB…

Saint reflects on his first year blogging on GIO. Plenty of community shout outs. Congrats! Also, check out his post for the Unofficial GIO Bloggers Hall of Fame to learn about nominations.

A Poem To Duke Nukem
Teyrn Loghain shares a few kind words for the king.

Staff blogs you may have missed: Jeff C. shares his love for Two Worlds II, Sean writes a very personal blog about the Bulletstorm controversy (please read), Andy writes an open letter to Activision, and Dan makes his dad play games he hates.

Have you produced or read a blog post on that you think should be considered for upcoming installments of Blog Herding? Send over an e-mail with a link to I also accept bribes.