
Dean "Rocket" Hall, the creator of DayZ, recently held a Reddit AMA where he addressed the prevalence of similar multiplayer survival games like Rust and Project Zomboid.

Rust, Project Zomboid, and DayZ all fall into a similar genre where players have to survive for as long they can in a multiplayer environment. Fans of Day Z recently asked Hall on Reddit what he thought of those other two.

I don't see Rust, PZ, as competitors. I also think DayZ has already "won" anything it needed too. Now we just need to make it a good game. It doesn't need to sell any more units, it just needs to improve. Then that means we have a good reputation to make good future games.

I think DayZ needs to focus on authentic survival, camping, hunting, etc... and then it will be great

For more on Rust, head here to read about our own experiences with the game.

[Source: Reddit, via Polygon]


Our Take
Diplomatic, but firm. Hall's response certainly doesn't dismiss the other games, but it does show that he is fully concentrating on his own. He shouldn't completely ignore the competitors, though. Rust recently overtook DayZ in sales on Steam.