blog herding

As this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) draws to an end, the video game world has lots to be excited about in anticipation of the next generation of consoles. In all the excitement, let's not forget about the community of bloggers here at Game Informer though, by reading and commenting on their blogs.

Blog Herding Stats:

Period Reviewed: June 03 – June 09, 2013
Number of User Blogs: 66
Number of User Bloggers: 49
Number of User Blogs Herded: 10

Community Events:

Extra Life 2013 – Team GIO
A Public Service Announcement reminding viewers Zachary Pligge is the coordinator for Team GIO and this year's Extra Life charity event scheduled for November 02, 2013. Contact him for all of the details.

Community Blogs:

Games I Am Losing My Love For
Azure Moon discusses an issue many of us have had to deal with in this conversation about video game series we're initially a fan of but start to lose interest in as time goes by.

Flirting With The Apocalypse
Possibly overshadowed by the events leading up to E3, DJH shares his thoughts about the recent release of State of Decay, an open-world zombie survival horror game developed by Undead Labs. 

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag – An Ideal Evolution
Nikolas Davidoff logs his extensive exploration into Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, the swashbuckling pirate adventure and next chapter in Ubisoft's famed Assassin's Creed story.

Where's My Morally Grey?
A rather interesting blog by AshaMan3000 addressing a character's moral compass and how characters tend to be really good or really bad but seldom ever seem to be truly neutral.

How "Call of Duty: Ghosts" Can Transcend Its Predecessors
Multipart blogs are often passed over for Blog Herding, but DrJoeystein's analysis of how the next Call of Duty game can be better than all the others is able to stand on its own and is worth reading.

The Prince of Snark Euphoric Ennui I's blog focusing on the criticism directed at Nintendo might be light on the snark compared to some of his others, but it's still an entertaining read.

Building The Perfect Gaming Apocalypse
Given the post-apocalyptic theme is a popular one among video games, John Wrek scours the long list of games with similar content to collect the essential elements to build the perfect wasteland.

Dial 343 For Play
Stranger is a stranger no more (it's been awhile since we've seen him post) with this blog exploring potential causes for the unexplained decline in Halo 4 multiplayer activity. 

Top 10 Introductory Sequences
The philosophy of "you only get one chance to make a first impression" is true even in our games. Thegodofwine7 examines his favorite opening scenes that set the tone for the rest of the game. 

Custom GI Avatars: Adventures
Working off an adventure theme, TurdFurgy delights the crowd with another round of custom Game Informer avatars including Elizabeth from Bioshock: Infinite and Abe from the Oddworld series.

Community Reviews:

Remember Me
With mixed review scores and varying opinions, John Wrek conducts his own exhaustive research and analysis of Remember Me, an action-adventure stealth game published by Capcom.          

Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon – This Moon Shines Bright
DesertOcelot plays through Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon and awards the game a near-perfect score, praising the story and puzzles before claiming it is a "must-have" title for your Nintendo 3DS.

A Great Gem Of A TD Game Mixed With A Card System
In this brief but fair review, Nickywhat sticks up for Prime World: Defenders after feeling Game Informer's official review was a bit on the harsh side. If you like tower defense games, you might like this.

The Retro-Coolness Of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
What do you get when you cross the bizarre premise behind Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon with the colorfully articulate musings of David Chandler? An entertaining summary of the equally enjoyable Far Cry 3 DLC.

Community Podcasts And Videos:

The JIM Show Podcast Blow-Out Release Party!
It's been far too long since we've heard the Jacked Up Indie and Mojo show, but this week marks their triumphant return with a monster edition featuring a number of episodes and special guests.

Don't forget to send your feedback, recommendations, and community events in to my personal Game Informer account located here to ensure this feature continues to provide the content you're eager to read.

Happy Blogging!

Your friendly neighborhood blogging community (06/03/13 – 06/09/13):
Alex (2); Ali Rapp; Andrew Ryan; AshaMan3000; ATOMIC; Azure Moon; blaxar; BLT; Bony4D; bunnyking (4); Cameron Koch (2); cerpintaxman; @ChrisContinues; Companion Cube; demax51; DJH ; DrJoeystein; Eric Watson; Gaming Warthog; General Mills44; HarmlessKiller; Jack Gardner (2); jackson stone; Joe Fathead; John Hunter; John Wrek; Jon Gregory aka JMan240; Kid Ica; LetMeGetToACheckpoint; Marco Polo; maxmaher; MeanMustacheMan; Mike; Nikolas Davidoff; Prince of Snark Euphoric Ennui I; Reptar7 (2); RezidentHazard (rides again); Saturday Morning Replay; Servant of God; Solid Shoob; Stranger; TasmanianGecko; The Destroyer (5); thegodofwine7; TurdFurgy; UltiMat3ProDGy07; Vogon5; WarHawke; and yours truly...Saint.

Video Game Archives – Quote of the Week:
"Girls make games too." – Kim Swift