blog herding

The blogging community continues to thrive as demonstrated by this week's collection of posts featuring quite a few names relatively new to the Game Informer blog scene. Don't worry though because a few of the regulars are included too, culminating in a list you're sure to find entertaining.

Blog Herding Stats:

Period Reviewed: September 17 – September 23, 2012
Number of User Blogs: 126
Number of User Bloggers: 68
Number of User Blogs Herded: 13

Community Events:

The Game Informer staff said their goodbyes and parted ways with the last batch of intern alumni just in time to welcome a new round of future journalists in training. Read about them here: Jordan LaPorte, O'Dell Harmon, and Mike Mahardy.

Community Blogs:

Borderlands 2: Pandora Revisited
The recently released sequel to Borderlands certainly attracted a lot of attention from the gaming community this week. Kyle Wadsworth offers his perspective on the game in this photo-rich blog.

The First Games I Played On Each Of My Gaming Systems
If you've been a gamer for any length of time, no doubt you have played a multitude of games on a number of different systems. The Invertroid recalls the first games he played on the systems he's owned.

Why GLaDOS Is So Sadistically Charming
Portal is an iconic game for so many reasons and as we near the 5th anniversary of its release, Hannibal takes a behind-the-scenes look at one of the reasons it is so unique and special.

Video Games And OCD: A Perfect Marriage?
Marco Polo divulges how his neurotic behavior bordering on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) influences his identity as a gamer, from the way he arranges his collection to how he plays games.

Popular But Effective Gaming Introduction Sequences
A brilliant blog by Louis Marcos (deserving far more attention than what it has received so far) that classifies video games into categories he created based on the different introduction styles they use.

The Fork In The Road That Developers Face
Spurred on by comments made by the lead designer of Spec Ops, DrJoeystein explores the relationships between publishers and developers and how this bond can affect the finished product.

If I Were Making The Next Minecraft Update
With a game as large and versatile as Minecraft, it shouldn't be a surprise that those who play it have changes they would like to see incorporated into the game, like these ideas from Commander Spock.

What's Ahead? Software Or Hardware?
Besides playing video games, many of us are tech junkies who also like exploring current and next-generation technology. In this blog, Ownzoir wonders about the future of video game technology.

Resident Evil 6 Demo – First Impressions
The release of the Resident Evil 6 demo might have been overshadowed by the release of Borderlands 2, but that didn't stop some gamers including markus1142 from giving it some playtime.

It Is Impossible To Please Gamers
Mr_Tib muses about the challenges developers face creating games that gamers are satisfied with and outlines a few problem areas he thinks contribute to these issues.

5 Heroes Who Need To Go To Jail
A clever and comical piece from gogamenerdkid that charges five popular video game personalities with the virtual crimes they have committed during the course of the games that feature them.

Photorealism, Emotion, And The Uncanny Valley
The ever insightful David Chandler provides what has to be one of the most comprehensive explanations on the topic of photorealistic graphics and how it affects those witnessing the visuals.

The Best Case For Games As Art
Everybody has their own thoughts on whether games are art, and even though reviews don't usually get featured here, Doctor Apozem's exceptional post earns it a spot on this week's collection of blogs.

Community Reviews:

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep
Billeted as the sixth installment in the Kingdom Hearts series, seb100172 evaluates Birth By Sleep, an older action RPG developed by Square Enix and known for its Command System.

The Best Video Game Western Ever Created
It's been a couple years since Red Dead Redemption was released but many gamers, including Louis Marcos, think it's the best western in the history of gaming.

Community Podcasts:

The JACKED UP Indie And Mojo Show Episode 45
In their latest show, the hosts discuss Sleeping Dogs, Guild Wars 2, Sound Shapes, and the current status of Team GIO and the upcoming 24 hour video game marathon in support of the Extra Life charity event.

Don't forget to send your feedback, recommendations, and community events in to my personal Game Informer account located here to ensure this feature continues to provide the content you're eager to read.

Happy Blogging!

Your friendly neighborhood blogging community (09/17/12 – 09/23/12):
AbsoluteDeicide; ace13; AlexChase (8); Angry Adam; AshaMan3000 (2); Charles (2); Coachscorner00 (3); Commander Spock; Craigaleg; cybertronian assassin; dadarkheart (2); Daniel Jones (5); David Chandler (2); Dawson Wyckoff; DJH 4); Doctor Apozem (2); DrJoeystein (2); Drym Shyuan (7); ElGato; Enigma; FAMESREVENGE; Flavious50; Frosty; Ghost (3); gogamenerdkid; Hannibal; Jack Gardner; Jolt the Cynic (2); Jordan LaPorte; jordanthegamer (2); Joyful Penguin (3); KGreekness; Kyle Wadsworth; Louis Marcos; Marco Polo (3); markus1142 (3); Mike (7); Mike Mahardy; mojomonkey12; Mr_Tib; MrVolker777; Noobtubin8er; O'Dell Harmon; opposedcrow88; Orochi Assassin LEVON (7); Ownzoir; Rabid Chipmunk; reidloS doG; Reptar7; Roxas; Scott; Seamoni; shadowBack; sorryjzargo; Stranger (3); The Invertroid; Theora Craft; TOGNick (2); UlrichFireL0rd (2); Vanlinkenstein; wayoverdue; xghost777; xking595x; xTheCrowing; xXBourne07Xx (2); x-XMantisX-x; YungDaVinci (2); and of course yours truly...Saint.

Video Game Quote of the Week:
"I'm sorry to take the joy out of your joystick." – Mega Man, Mega Man