
Part of the wildly successful Double Fine Kickstarter is a series of videos from the talented 2 Player Productions documenting the creation of Double Fine's new adventure game. As an early preview of this documentary series, 2 Player posted this video to its YouTube account.

In this great 35-minute video, which was filmed before the Kickstarter launched, Double Fine's Tim Schafer sits down with his one-time mentor and current coworker Ron Gilbert to discuss the state of adventure games. They talk about why they love them, why they haven't made them in so long, and where they could go in the future. There's also a lot of fascinating discussion about what they want to do with this new adventure project.

Enjoy the video below. If it convinces you to give money to Double Fine, you can still contribute to its Kickstarter and earn the chance to watch the rest of 2 Player Production's serialized documentary as they release it.