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blog herding

Blog Herding: Community Edition 09/22/11

by Game Informer Editorial on Sep 22, 2011 at 06:00 AM

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The Game Informer blogging community says goodbye to a few of its prominent bloggers while the remainder of the community tackles challenging issues from the video game industry. Check out this week's diverse collection of blogs and podcasts for your entertainment.

Blog Herding Stats:
Period Reviewed:
September 12-18, 2011
Number of User Blogs:
Number of User Bloggers:
Number of User Blogs Herded:

Community Blogs:

6 Things I Hate About Mass Effect
It's not very often you hear the words hate and Mass Effect used together, but in this blog, Apozem discusses a few features he doesn't like about the game he loves so much.

Second Hand Citizens
Shawn Gordon debates the merits of buying video games new or used, and how those that choose to buy used are treated differently than those who buy new. Enter the discussion at your own risk.

Thief II: The Metal Age Review
Remembering a classic, Lancehead provides an exceptional review of a game many of you have probably never played or even heard of, but those who have will always remember.

Top Ten Cannon Fodder Enemies
Whether you're a fan of lists or not, chances are you haven't seen one quite like this. In this blog, thegodofwine7 provides a humorous listing of bad guys we've had the pleasure of doing battle with.

The Importance Of Remakes
When video game publishers remake and re-release video games, it promotes the legacy of the game while providing a new audience with the opportunity to play a classic. Read blaze6106's thoughts on this practice.

9/11 And Video Games
The ten year anniversary of 9/11 just passed and in this blog, Bryan M. Stafford recalls the fallout of that fateful day and how the video game industry could be inspired by the events.

This Will Never End Because I Want More
The debate about video game sequels is certainly not a new one, but in this thought-provoking piece by Ed_B44, the topic is approached from somewhat of a different angle – quit being so greedy.

Gaming And The Lens Of The Television
Yet another philosophical blog from Oni no Tenshi – this time around she confronts the issue of video game stereotypes and how we as gamers are often portrayed in television.

Band Of Bloggers #6
In this series, volunteer bloggers from the GI community accept a topic and then post their thoughts on it. TOGNick addresses the question of, "Has the economy affected how much you spend on games?"

There Is No "I" In "Team" (But There Ain't No "We" Either...)
ShadowDragyn voices his concern over the lack of teamwork in modern era video games while tackling the difficult question of how to make it better, including incentive-based solutions.

Getting Better From Here
As a student of video game design, o_JMan240_o writes about his belief that, "we're on the precipice of a drastic change in how the industry as a whole will be asked to look at advancement within our medium." Join the conversation on what the future of gaming might look like.

I Am Who I Am Because Of Games
With all of the trials and tribulations of the real world, can video games be an outlet that provides us an opportunity to express and experience various emotions? In this blog, Matt-boy highlights the best qualities that video games can instill in us.

Quick-Time Events, Go Away
A number of games have begun implementing Quick Time Events (QTE) – the process of following on-screen prompts and performing the indicated action. Jack, The Quixotic Gamer discusses how QTE disrupts gameplay while providing some examples of games that implement it better than others.

Review Of The Week:

Resistance 3 - Lack Of Innovation Doesn't Mean It's Bad
It's only been on the street for a few weeks, but a handful of gamers in the GI community have already posted their reviews for Resistance 3. In this short but thorough review, goatr discusses why he awarded the game an 8.50 compared to GI associate editor Dan Ryckert, who gave it a 7.00.

Community Podcasts, Vlogs, and More:

The Armchair Gamer Episode One
Another GI blogger jumps into the podcast fray as Gamebeast23456 delivers the first episode of The Armchair Gamer. He's looking for help, so if you've been interested in podcasting, here's your chance.

The Indie & Mojo Show Episode 5...And Elisha!
In the latest episode, the hosts welcome GI community member Elisha Muir as they discuss video game difficulty and Resistance 3, including Dan Rykert's review of the game and the audience reaction.

GI Community Update - Week Of 9/11
If you're not familiar with this series, it's a couple of short video clips narrated by BlackHeartedWolf as he shares his thoughts on noteworthy blogs posted during the week. Now releasing on Tuesdays.

Gameinformer Online Radio - Episode 25
Mray901 and the crew return with another episode of Game Informer Online Radio. In this episode they talk about "everything and anything" including the Back to the Future movie.

Robot In The Corner Podcast: One Year Anniversary
This week the team takes a moment to remember 9/11/01, talk about Rock Band 3, share their picks for the top 10 action movies of all time, and reminisce about the first year of the show.

The 4th Floor Episode 20: One Major Score
Hurricane Irene might've disrupted their schedule, but the most unruly podcast on GI is back as the hosts of The 4th Floor talk about all sorts of topics including movies, music, and video games.

Don't forget to send your feedback, recommendations, and community events in to my personal Game Informer account located here to ensure this feature continues to provide the content you're eager to read.

Happy Blogging!

Your friendly neighborhood blogging community for the week of September 12-18, 2011:
alex720, Anticitizen-One (2), Apozem (3), BlackHeartedWolf (9), blaze6106, Boo, born4this, Brad Tramel, Bryan M. Stafford, Cody Gilley (2), Craigaleg, Cru Hunter, Daniel, DeadManWalking, Delancey (2), Diptardo, Downloadmovies, Ed_B44 (2), Elisha Muir, Enigma (4), Eugene Pete Strowbridge, FamilyGuyGuy7, freezeimacop690, Fry0127, Gamebeast23456, greyfox7zero, indiejones (2), Jack, The Quixotic Gamer (4), JBBs (2), Joshua Weibel (4), Lancehead, Lost In Translation (2), Mafia Merc Mike, Matt-boy, Meta77, Mray901, Nick, o_JMan240_o, Oni no Tenshi (4), Raizan, redlitez76 (2), reidloS doG, Robert (4), Romars202129, SaoSauce, ShadowDragyn, Shawn Gordon (3), Still_Insane22, thatfoxguy, The Game Store Guy (6), The journey man, The87thNemesis (4), thegodofwine7, TOGNick (4), TurdFurgy, wayoverdue (2), yoshistrike64 (3), and of course yours truly...Saint.

Video Game Quote of the Week:
"Hinky? You act as if you've never seen a German U-boat in the middle of the jungle before. "
– Nathan Drake, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune