
Thinking Globally: We Learn From The Mistakes Of Others

Thinking Globally: We Learn From The Mistakes Of Others … … doesn’t consider the global market during the development process? If the developer is unlucky, the consequences can be irreparably damaging. … Thinking Globally: We Learn From The Mistakes Of Others …

gdc 2010

Behind the Scenes: Uncharted 2's Unique Cinematic Production Process

… the Scenes: Uncharted 2's Unique Cinematic Production Process … As if it wasn’t obvious enough after Among Thieves … the Naughty Dog team has made clear that nontraditional thinking can yield phenomenal results. … Behind the Scenes: Uncharted 2's Unique Cinematic Production Process


Thinking With Portals: Making A Portal 2 Test Chamber

Thinking With Portals: Making A Portal 2 Test Chamber … The designers at Valve walk us through the process of designing a puzzle room in Portal 2 … Thinking With Portals: Making A Portal 2 Test Chamber …


What Do Real Detectives Think Of L.A. Noire?

… Do Real Detectives Think Of L.A. Noire? … he investigation process? … What Do Real Detectives Think Of L.A. Noire? …


See How Much Work Went Into The Performance Of Max Payne 3

… Rockstar has posted an extensive write-up on the process on its website. … See How Much Work Went Into The …

ces 2014

Thief's Storied Development May Have Helped The Game In The End

… for the finished product, but the team doesn't think its process has been unusual.  … Thief's Storied Development May …

ces 2014

Thief's Storied Development May Have Helped The Game In The End

… for the finished product, but the team doesn't think its process has been unusual.  … Thief's Storied Development May …

ces 2014

Thief's Storied Development May Have Helped The Game In The End

… for the finished product, but the team doesn't think its process has been unusual.  … Thief's Storied Development May …

ces 2014

Thief's Storied Development May Have Helped The Game In The End

… for the finished product, but the team doesn't think its process has been unusual.  … Thief's Storied Development May …