gamer culture

Clueless Gamer: Overwatch Outtakes Discuss Conan As A 'Matronly Wet Nurse' In Game Of Thrones Universe

… Game of Thrones has the budget to get Conan some fake breasts, but not a fake beard.  … Clueless Gamer: Overwatch …


NSFW Duke Nudem Promo Game Rewards Accuracy With Nudity

… promotional website for Duke Nukem would glorify guns and breasts. … NSFW Duke Nudem Promo Game Rewards Accuracy With …


Learn About Pawns And People-Making In Dragon’s Dogma

… … I saw Capcom developers create a sorcerer with large breasts and kill a cyclops. … Pawns And People-Making …


Boobs, Bullets, And Bathrooms In Duke Nukem Forever Trailer

… be "gotten" in this explicit new trailer. High definition breasts, aliens, and urine streams await your viewing …


Boobs, Bullets, And Bathrooms In Duke Nukem Forever Trailer

… be "gotten" in this explicit new trailer. High definition breasts, aliens, and urine streams await your viewing …


Learn About Pawns And People-Making In Dragon’s Dogma

… … I saw Capcom developers create a sorcerer with large breasts and kill a cyclops. … Pawns And People-Making …


Replay – Jurassic Park: Trespasser