
Natural Doctrine Review – Uneven Entertainment

… but it’s still a bit of a bumpy ride. … Unnatural Game Design Offers Uneven Entertainment …


Warren Spector Really, Really Likes The 3DS


Warlords HD XBLA/PSN Remake Is Beyond Hectic

… Warlords HD XBLA/PSN Remake Is Beyond Hectic … Warlords’ basic design isn’t any less fun than it was in the ‘80s, and a few …


Warlords HD XBLA/PSN Remake Is Beyond Hectic

… Warlords HD XBLA/PSN Remake Is Beyond Hectic … Warlords’ basic design isn’t any less fun than it was in the ‘80s, and a few …


Natural Doctrine Review – Uneven Entertainment

… but it’s still a bit of a bumpy ride. … Unnatural Game Design Offers Uneven Entertainment …


Natural Doctrine Review – Uneven Entertainment

… but it’s still a bit of a bumpy ride. … Unnatural Game Design Offers Uneven Entertainment …


Metroid: Samus Returns Is A Remake That Feels Original

… sheep of the franchise, but Nintendo believes that its basic design is still remarkable. … A Remake That Feels Original …

e3 2014

Master The Mushroom Kingdom With Mario Maker [Trailer Added]

… Mario Maker [Trailer Added] … The Wii U game lets players design their own classic-style levels using basic drag-and-drop tools. … Master The Mushroom Kingdom With …

video feature

How Kratos' Axe Changes God Of War's Combat

… McDonald opens up on the difficulty of redesigning the basic pillars of God of War's combat. … How Kratos' Axe …