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Deafheaven - New Bermuda

Music and games are my greatest inspiration and I always take the chance to listen to a great record while playing some of my favorite titles. I will choose a record and play it on repeat while grinding in Diablo 3 or Destiny 2 and maybe just listen to something more relaxing while free-roaming around a gorgeous open-world. Content that requires me to repeat it over and over usually leads to me popping the headphones in and cranking some music. I had a friend who blasted System Of A Down's Toxicity while playing Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory every day after school, or my buddies and I would play Rammstein while playing split-screen in Call Of Duty 2. Music and games have always been intrinsically tied to how I enjoy them, and I still do the same today when a new album comes out. 

Here are some examples of my own but let me know yours in the comments below!

BloodBorne: The Old Hunters
Deafheaven — New Bermuda

I spent probably fifty hours mining The Old Hunters the first time I played through it, and while the game doesn't have a set soundtrack outside of bosses and a few key areas, I ended up listening to Deafheaven's 2015 album on repeat. The mix of atmospheric black metal, dark vocals and lighter shoegaze elements made it the perfect background to a brutal game. The music seemed to fit the game so well despite being anachronistic to the aesthetic of Bloodborne. 

Modest Mouse — The Moon And Antarctica 

More of a matter of timing, I always listened to this record while playing Onimusha. The two didn't even mix, and were diametrically opposed but I was a dumb kid, so I just put it on. I always remember fighting the final boss so many times while the album was on repeat. 

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
Daft Punk — Random Access Memories

My brother forced me to listen to this album all summer on repeat until I eventually fell in love with it. After I saw the light, we drove around all the time listening to the album and ended up playing Blood Dragon around the same time. That game has an amazing electronic soundtrack, but this album helped cement it as a favorite offshoot of mine. The enemies basically looked like members of the band, so that helps too. 

Assassin's Creed
Slugdge — Esoteric Malacology 

Based on the lyrical content, this album would fit much better with Bloodborne or some other lovecraftian game, but I recently just played it on repeat while replaying the original Assassin's Creed on the Xbox One X. Any time I had to roam around the world and there was a lull, I would blast this record. It makes no sense, but now when I listen to it I can only think Assassin's Creed.

Let me know what kind of albums you like to listen to while gaming, or ones that you ended up associating with a specific game! For more GI on music, check out our interview with the composer of Detroit: Become Human, or our favorite game tracks from 2017.

Products In This Article

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters

PlayStation 4
Release Date:

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon

PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC
Release Date: