EA and Respawn Entertainment have revealed new details on Titanfall's Frontier Militia, including three new character profiles.

A post on the official Titanfall blog provides some new insight into the Frontier Militia, which defends homesteaders from the encroaching force of the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation. The Militia is made up of different brigades, some of which have military backgrounds, while others are more self-serving – i.e. outlaws, mercenaries, and space pirates(!).

The post also outlines three important characters in the Frontier Militia: MacAllan, a former IMC military man who led a mutiny against the organization and stole one its ships; Bish, a hacker-for-hire with a personal grudge against the IMC; and Sarah, a Militia commander whose family was killed by the IMC and is out for revenge. I think I'm sensing a theme here...

You can check out the full profiles and character art at the official Titanfall site. Titanfall launches on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox 360 on March 11. A beta for the game will launch on February 14. For more on the game, read our hands-on impressions from Gamescom 2013, or check out our Titanfall hub by clicking on the banner below.

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