by Meagan Marie on Feb 17, 2010 at 09:19 AM

I’ve been itching for the perfect chance to feature costume designer, model, and cosplay queen Yaya Han’s work for some time. Luckily, A recent photoshoot showcasing her tribute to Resident Evil 4 provided the perfect opportunity. When finished here, be sure to check out Yaya’s website to gander at her numerous other costumes. The quality and craftsmanship illustrate why Yaya is regarded as one of few “professional cosplayers” worldwide, and why she is often whisked away to be a guest at major international conventions. Enjoy the photos!

Who: The Character
Ada Wong - Resident Evil 4

Why: The Decision
“I love the Resident Evil games and RE4 is my favorite. Not only was it fun to play, the story and characters really grabbed me and I especially loved the chemistry between Ada and Leon. She is such a mysterious, sexy and elegant character.”

What: The Process
“I made this costume in about two days, and used a matte casa satin for the dress because it came in a nice wine color and I thought it would be befitting the evening dress look. The dress is lined to my waist and I installed multiple sets of plastic boning to give it more shape. The designs were hand painted on and the outlines are embroidered, and the dress laces up with eyelets in the back. I couldn't find red eyelets and didn't want to stick with the chrome ones, so I hand bound all the eyelets in burgundy thread. The gun is a modified airsoft handgun with laser, and I got the holster at the same airsoft store. I found the shoes after trying on a million pumps that were all too big, and added the criss-cross straps. The wig was ordered off eBay and then cut by me and I made the scarf out of black chiffon. I spent about $100 on this costume, which is one of my cheaper projects.”

Where and When: The Debut

“I first debuted this costume in Monterrey, Mexico, at a huge anime and sci-fi convention. Brian, who is my Leon, and I were Cosplay Guests and Resident Evil is a beloved game in Mexico, so we thought Ada and Leon would be great for that event. And everyone loved us! We didn't have time for a real photoshoot, but when we re-wore the RE costumes at Anime Weekend Atlanta, photographer Ljinto did a shoot with us in the parking garage. We didn't even plan ahead but just walked around and snapped photos along the way. And we got lucky and met a couple of zombies even for action shots. I really love Leonard's photos, he managed to make the images very believable and intense even in a limited location.”

Links: The Cosplayer
My website is and Brian can be found at I also post frequently on Twitter at and Deviant Art.

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