
It's the slow season for new releases, but the topsy-turvy world of video games gave us plenty to talk about this week.

First off, we catch up with a game we weren't able to include last week: episode 2 of Telltale Games' The Walking Dead adventure series. Ben Reeves reviewed it for Game Informer, and stops by to tell you (and host Matt Helgeson) why even non-adventure fans should check this game out. He also plugs his new book -- the techno-thriller Kill Screen (available on Amazon).

In the second segment, Matt Miller delivers one of his semi-regular indie/downloadable scene reports. Between a handful of recent releases and some standout titles that appeared at E3, he has a lot to talk about.

Finally, GI head cheese Andy McNamara and editor Matt Bertz engage in a wide-ranging discussion about the future of free-to-play games, Sony's acquisition of the game streaming service Gaikai, and the changing landscape of the industry.