by Phil Kollar on Oct 28, 2011 at 03:45 PM

We're back! After an extra-long summer break, Andy McNamara and Adam Biessener join me for some long-overdue MMO talk. On our dramatic return episode, we take a long look at all of the details surrounding Mists of Pandaria, the latest World of Warcraft expansion.

Listen to this hour-long episode of Respec Radio to hear why Andy isn't interested in pandas, whether adding Pokemon to WoW is brilliant or terrible, and how our podcast is a stand-in for everything Andy hates about the average MMO player.

NOTE: At the beginning of this episode I mention that we're going to talk about Star Wars: The Old Republic, but by 30 minutes in it became clear that we were going to have a lengthy enough episode without that segment. Look for another episode devoted to our impressions of the Old Republic beta in the coming weeks.

Listen to the episode below and if you like what you hear subscribe via our RSS feed or check out old episodes on the Respec Radio hub.