
At 8 a.m. this morning, our 25-hour livestream for Extra Life 2017 came to a close. We broke our record of previous years by raising a whopping total of $61,129. All donations are going to the children's hospital Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare in St. Paul, Minnesota.

We want to thank our generous Game Informer community who donated to see us do ridiculous shenanigans like wear dumb hats while playing games, watch Leo eat a scorpion, or see a pie thrown at me three times. I can still smell the residual whipped cream. We had an absolute blast, and we hope you did too! 

We raised nearly $10,000 more than last year, where we reached a milestone of over $52,000. To watch our Extra Life 2017 stream in full, which has now been archived, head here.

What did you think of our livestream? Is there anything you'd want us to do differently the following year? Let us know in the comments below!