
Today marks the launch of Blizzard’s latest Hearthstone expansion, Whispers of the Old Gods. And if you are an avid fan, you’re probably noticing some server issues (which might be why you’re here right now).

Unfortunately, we can’t help you get into the game so you can crack your packs open. We do have some interesting news about the game’s success.

No, Blizzard isn’t being specific about how much money the free-to-play collectible card game is raking in. But we do know that 50 million people have now at least registered to play the game. That’s up from 40 million in early November 2015. The company reported record monthly active users for Hearthstone in the last reported quarter.

The new expansion, Hearthstone’s third, includes 134 new cards. Anyone that logs in during the launch window will receive three free packs. When you open your first one, you’ll be treated to a C’thun and two Beckoner of Evil cards.

Hearthstone is available on PC, Mac, iOS, and Android.


Our Take
Hearthstone is clearly raking in huge money for Blizzard, and will likely do so for a long while. While the publisher hasn’t been specific about how much the game is bringing in quarterly, a glance at the financial statements and the other growth metrics gives us a hint that Blizzard should be quite pleased.