
Silicon Studio, the developer behind the Bravely Default RPG series on 3DS, is teaming up with Hironobu Sakaguchi’s Mistwalker. The specifics haven’t yet been revealed, but Silicon suggests that the partnership is for multiple games.

The likeliest subject is the promised console versions of Terra Battle. The free-to-play mobile game has received millions of downloads.

As part of Mistwalker’s “download-starter” campaign, more characters, missions, and music have been added as more people loaded the game onto their devices. The console editions were part of that program.

When we spoke with Sakaguchi in 2014, he indicated that the console version wouldn’t exactly mirror the touch-oriented play of the mobile premiere. Instead, it would be developed with the same lore and world.

[Source: Silicon Studio]


Our Take
Terra Battle is cleverly designed to take advantage of touch controls. While some mobile games can make the leap, the only dedicated game platform I can see a direct translation working on is 3DS (as it did for Puzzle & Dragons). 

The Terra Battle lore is interesting, the music is great, and the character designs are attractive. I’m hopeful that this partnership is focused on Terra Battle, because there is a great deal of potential there.