gamer culture

While he may have only had a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment in Call of Duty: Black Ops III, Activision made hay about Marshawn Lynch’s cameo. The Seattle Seahawks running back stole a bit of the spotlight on Super Bowl Sunday by hanging up his cleats and retiring.

It seems that developer Treyarch quietly added a tribute to Lynch in one of Black Ops III’s maps. You can find the nod to the football star all over the Combine map (as captured by YouTube user chaosxsilencer). The video shows what the map looked like before, evidencing the recent change.

It’s a nice gesture from the team, especially since Lynch spent time promoting the game with Conan O’Brien. Lynch and Conan first crossed paths before the Super Bowl in February 2015, when he and Ron Gronkowski experienced the bone-crunching mayhem of Mortal Kombat X.