
343 Industries has revealed the first batch of multiplayer maps for Halo 5 made by the community that are being integrated into an official playlist. There are 10 of maps in all. They range from "competitive 4v4 to Big Team Battle to wacky mini-games and Action Sack, and more."

In the announcement post on 343's website, the developer shows off screenshots from the chosen maps and also states that more community maps are on the way. That's not all the content that's coming either. As we covered earlier, there are also two new maps, developed by 343, being released next week as well as one of the most famous weapons in the series: the Battle Rifle from Halo 2.

Halo 5 was one of our top 50 games of the year and received an 8.75 from Matt Miller in his review. He wrote that "If the last major entry represented 343 taking possession of the Halo house, this new installment shows it is ready to move the furniture around and make it their own. Some aspects of the game feel different than what longtime players have come to expect, but I’m happy to see a willingness to innovate. Despite some missteps, Halo 5 is an easy recommendation for the predominant moments during which the game shines."

[Source: 343 Industries]