reader discussion

It's a new year, folks! And that means that a lot of you are finally getting around to some of the games that came out last year or even the years before that. So tell us what you're working through in your backlog right now.

Are you finally nearing the end of the Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt after playing it on and off again since May? Sating your curiosity and exploring Undertale's quirky subterranean kingdom? Still trying to beat that one #@#!$! boss in Bloodborne?  Maybe you've decided to see what all the fuss is about with Earthbound or a game that got a nice discount in the Steam sale.

I foolishly chose to try to play through both Virtue's Last Reward and replay Chrono Trigger over the holidays. It's going about as well as you'd expect, especially since I decided to revisit Knights of the Old Republic as well.

Sound off in the comments below and let us know what games you're playing and your thoughts about them!