
Square Enix and Psyonix are bringing the battle between human and vampire into open beta next week. Nosgoth, a free-to-play, competitive multiplayer title set in the Legacy of Kain universe arrives in open beta on January 21.

Beyond just being a team-based competitive title, Nosgoth offers asymmetric play. The humans rely largely on ranged combat, while the vampires close the gap quickly and rely on melee. One attack even involves swooping down on a human, lifting him into the air, and dropping him to his death.

We had a chance to play Nosgoth at PAX, and you can read up on the title in our previous coverage. You can also read a more in-depth analysis from earlier in the game’s development. 


Our Take
Nosgoth might not be the Legacy of Kain game that die-hard fans want, but its existence means that the property isn’t forgotten. We recently identified Legacy of Kain as a title we think the world is ready to see rebooted. Let’s hope our wish comes true in 2015.