
 At Gamescom 2014, Ninja Theory announced a new title called Hellblade for PlayStation 4. At the time, no other platforms were mentioned. The studio has announced that its adding one more to its planning.

The title will be coming to PC, according to PC Gamer. Ninja Theory says it will be “future-proofing” the game, with 4K resolution and potential support for mods.

Ninja Theory is working with a small team of only 13 members to create Hellblade, which takes place in a Viking underworld. For more on the title, you can check out a developer diary as part of the studio’s commitment to open development.

You can also check out the announcement trailer and a behind the scenes look at how Ninja Theory rapidly created it to hit deadline for Gamescom. 

[Source: PC Gamer]


Our Take
In talking with PC Gamer, Ninja Theory’s Tameem Antoniades also discusses the challenges of testing on console. There are also interesting insights about independent work versus partnering with a publisher.