gamer culture

IF you happen to be wondering what a Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor film might look like, grab some popcorn and settle in. This seven-minute film from Corridor Digital, in association with Warner Bros., gives us a good look at Orc hierarchy and bloodshed.

Poor Krimp the Orc. He’s clearly the runt of the litter and the butt of all the orcs’ jokes. Lucky for him, he’s about to meet Talion.

Wait. Not “lucky.” The other thing.

The film incorporates Talion’s wraith abilities and the nemesis system, a key component of how Shadow of Mordor is differentiated from other action-adventure titles on new-gen consoles and PC. The game comes out in just 13 days on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PC. For more, check out our preview from Gamescom and our coverage hub from the December 2013 issue.