by Joe Juba on Aug 15, 2014 at 04:17 PM

First, you had to buy physical cards. Then the Pokémon trading card game went online, expanding to an even broader audience. Soon, even more players will be able to battle when the Pokémon TCG is released on iPad.

That's the news coming out of the Pokémon World Championships in DC. Attendee Josh Wittenkeller spotted the title, and posted a picture on Twitter:



Seem too good to be true? Polygon confirmed with the Pokémon Company that the game was the real deal; the screen isn't a hoax. A representative also confirmed to Kotaku that the game will release later this year.

Assuming it is just a mobile translation of the version of the game currently available on PC and Mac, that means that the Pokémon TCG is the Pokémon Company's first full game on iOS...though it has previously made apps.

[Source: Twitter via Polygon and Kotaku]


Our Take
Pokémon is already addictive, so making it available on yet another platform is a great plan. Not only that, but playing TCGs is ideally suited for mobile gaming, so the iPad should be a good home for the franchise. It's also a step toward more complete Pokémon experiences on iOS, which should make fans hopeful for the future.