gamer culture

Another month, another Loot Crate! Early last month we unboxed May's Loot Crate where we got a taste of adventure. For July, the theme is villains.

As always, the good folks at Loot Crate continue to impress with their selection. First and foremost is an excellent t-shirt that combines Marvel's Loki and DC's Joker to create Joki.

Also included is a comic featuring Guardians of the Galaxy's Rocket Raccoon, a pair of Deadpool socks, a documentary on DC supervillains, a Bowser kitchen magnet, a Joker/Harley Quinn poster, and a Darth Vader keychain. Even the box has Joker-style graffiti all over it. Take a look at the image gallery below to see some of these items up close.

These Loot Crates are a lot of fun and only get better with time. As this month was villains, the theme for next month is heroes.

Loot Crate is a subscription service in which you pay month-by-month to receive a box full of geeky gear. For more information or to start a subscription, check out their official website.