
Microsoft is preparing to increase the impact of its new reputation system. Soon, players who are labeled as “needs work” and “avoid me” will start getting direct feedback.

Starting this month, “needs work” players will begin to receive warnings as their reputation drops. Microsoft has been collecting community feedback on players since the launch of the console, which will be used to try and get these individuals on the right track.

For those that have dipped into the “avoid me” category, penalties will limit their ability for matchmaking and possibly result in suspension of some services. This includes Twitch broadcasting, which came to the platform earlier in March.

[Source: Xbox Wire]


Our Take
The reputation system didn’t really have a lot of legs prior to the “recently played” feature returning. Now that we can go into our list after a game and flag offending players, it’ll be easier for Microsoft to get data on misanthropes. The warnings and penalties give those on the wrong path ample notice to shape up, which is a good first step in redeeming those that have slid into trolldom.