
Back during E3, we demoed the MOGA controllers, which turn Android devices into more capable game consoles. We also got an early look at the new MOGA Power series, which can serve as auxiliary batteries. The new devices, the MOGA Power Hero and Power Pro, are available now.

The MOGA controllers are currently designed to work with Android and Windows 8 phones. There are currently over 100 games that are configured to work with the MOGA controllers, including Sonic CD, The Bard’s Tale, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, and Prince of Persia: The Shadow and the Flame.

The MOGA Power Hero (the smaller model) retails for $59.99. The Power Pro, which is approximately the size of an Xbox 360 controller, retails for $79.99. The company is currently running a video contest with Video Game High School’s Freddy Wong, which we covered over the weekend.


Our Take
I’ve used these controllers, and was pleasantly surprised by how well they function. I’m eager for Apple to fulfill its promise of gamepad support for iDevices, as there are a number of titles I would like to play. I do not enjoy virtual thumbsticks at all, and controller support would open up part of the iOS library.