
N7 day – a day to celebrate the universe of Mass Effect – comes around every year on November 7, which is just a week away.

Last year marked the first official N7 day, which you can find out more about by heading here. This year BioWare has a number of festivities lined up to celebrate the journey of Commander Shepard.

BioWare is asking fans to post Mass Effect pictures online with the hashtag #N7Day13, and the developers will be online playing Mass Effect 3 all day. There will also be a fan art contest (which BioWare will reveal more details about soon), and hold a Child's Play Charity auction where concept art pre-dating the original Mass Effect will be up for sale. BioWare will also have all kinds of pictures and assorted retrospectives about the Mass Effect trilogy posting online and will have a sale on Mass Effect merch on its online store.

N7 day is Thursday November 7, so you've got a week to refresh your online Mass Effect 3 skills.

[Source: BioWare]

Our Take
Mass Effect may not be celebrating a new release this year, but it's certainly a series worth celebrating. Last year, we crowned Mass Effect 3 our game of the year. I am especially curious to see some of the old concept art.