
Gearbox is celebrating its annual community day on September 14, and there are opportunities for fans to get involved and win prizes, even if they can't make it to the studio in Texas.

Gearbox is streaming the event online, answering questions, and highlighting its favorite cosplay from its games. You can submit questions as well as photos of your cosplay on Gearbox's website. If Gearbox answers your question, it will send you a prize.

Gearbox is also offering an opportunity to PAX attendees to get a full-paid trip to community day. Gearbox will be showing off the upcoming T.K. Baha's Bloody Harvest DLC at the show, and it will feature a four-player cooperative boss fight. The group that is able to defeat the boss the fastest gets a free trip to Gearbox community day.

[Source: Gearbox]


Our Take
Community day seems like a fantastic way to see what happens behind the scenes for fans, and a great way for Gearbox to connect to its fans. There's a pretty good chance Gearbox will take the opportunity to make some new announcements, so it will definitely be worth checking out on September 14.