
22 Cans and Peter Molyneux's Curiosity Cube is complete, and it was all a grand experiment for the studio's next game, Godus.

Peter Molyneux famously said that the thing in the middle of Curiosity Cube would be life changing. For the person who was able to break the final brick to enter the cube, it seems like it will be – as long as the game is successful.

Bryan Henderson From Edinburgh broke the final cube and got to see this video. In the video Molyneux outlined, in somewhat vague terms, that Henderson would be in control of 22 Cans' next game, Godus. Molyneux said, speaking directly to Henderson, "The whole game is about being a god to your followers," and continued by saying, "You will decide the rules that the game is played on." Molyneux also said that Henderson will share in the game's success saying, "Every time someone spends money in Goddess, you will get a small piece of the pie."

Godus was announced late last year as a Kickstarter project.

22 Cans is apparently chatting with Henderson on the phone now about all the details. 22 Cans will undoubtedly have more to share about Godus soon, once they work out all the details with Henderson.