
The windup to E3 is under way, and Nintendo has set the stage for its summer lineup. The headliner is Pikmin 3, which will be available on August 4. Today, we learned more about how the series has evolved for its first Wii U appearance.

Pikmin 3 will feature three playable characters, Alph, Brittany, and Charlie, who are exploring the planet simultaneously. Players will use their new Pikmin pals to collect fruit for their dying home world and also for life-sustaining juice. 

Exploration happens only during the daylight hours, but unlike past titles, players are not restricted to a set number of in-game days. It is also easy to restart an area, streamlining play and minimizing the detrimental impact of errors. 

The Gamepad (called the KopPad in Pikmin 3) will be used as an overhead view. Similar to a real-time strategy minimap, the KopPad display will allow players to direct the three characters and swap among them.