by Mike Futter on Apr 05, 2013 at 09:37 AM

It’s been a tumultuous 2013 for EA. Financial projections are down, CEO John Riccitiello has stepped down, and one of the publisher's biggest launches was horribly botched. Today, chief operating officer Peter Moore has addressed a number of concerns that are leading the company deep into the “Worst Company in America” polling. You might recall that EA “won” that award last year.

Among his criticisms of some absurd reasons voters have endorsed EA for the rusted crown (the Madden cover athlete and the ending of Mass Effect 3), Moore tries to reinforce once more that SimCity’s always-online design is not DRM. He also reiterates the company’s stance on LGBT issues, which is now drawing fire from conservatives (a 180 degree change from last year when it was liberal sentiment driving votes).

Regardless of what you think of EA’s business practices in the interactive entertainment industry, it’s hard to justify their title as “Worst Company in America” last year or their candidacy this time around. Some of the other contenders were instrumental in the most severe financial collapse of our lifetimes. Others have been known to go out of their way to squeeze local retailers out of business. EA pioneered the idea of online access codes. If you aren't happy with EA, there are far more effective ways to communicate your displeasure. You could, for instance, stop buying their products. That's likely to make more of an impact than a vote in an anti-popularity contest.

You can read Moore’s entire statement here.