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blog herding

Blog Herding: Community Edition 12/27/12

by Game Informer Editorial on Dec 27, 2012 at 05:00 AM

As 2012 winds down and you enjoy the final episode of Blog Herding for the year, it's worth acknowledging the contributions and support of the community, which has published over 5,400 blogs on the site. It's been our pleasure to feature nearly 600 of them in Blog Herding. Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year.

Blog Herding Stats:

Period Reviewed: December 17 – December 23, 2012
Number of User Blogs: 92
Number of User Bloggers: 62
Number of User Blogs Herded: 12 

Community Blogs:

The Problem With Far Cry 3
A thought-provoking and somewhat controversial perspective by Bradamantium targeting Far Cry 3's story that certainly has a few members fired up. Whether you agree or not, it's still an interesting piece. 

50 Calls Of Duty
You may or may not have heard of 50 Shades of Grey, but you have definitely heard of Call of Duty. This clever blog by Cru Hunter compares their similarities and what keeps us coming back for more.

3 Things Valve Should Fix For The Steam Box
Gabe Newell finally revealed a few details about a Valve-built video game console that's now in development. Doctor Apozem shares a few thoughts on what needs to be included to make it better.

Karmic Balance? A THQ Story
Whether its fate, karma, or simply bad luck, bombstopper analyzes the history and future of THQ and how its current financial struggles might affect the video game industry.

Some Things I Would Like To See In The Next Super Smash Bros.
With news of an upcoming Super Smash Bros. under development for the Wii U and 3DS, cerpintaxman considers a few characters and locations he would like to see featured in the game.

Favoring The Female Villains
The topic of female hero characters is certainly not a new one but DJH takes it a bit further and discusses the need for more female villains, while highlighting a few of his favorite evil leading ladies.

Far Cry 3: Going Native
An overwhelming amount of gamers seem to be enjoying Far Cry 3 including David Chandler who exposes us to his deviant behavior in a tropical island paradise that is anything but.

A Final Fantasy 25th Anniversary Tribute
It's hard to imagine a video game series that's been around longer than many of you who are reading this, but vonfinell reminds us it's the 25th anniversary of Final Fantasy in this tribute to the series.

How real is too real? That's the question at the heart of Joyful Penguin's blog about video game realism and how we as gamers have different expectations when it comes to the varying degrees of reality.

Why Indie Developers Will Save The Gaming Industry
Many have called 2012 the year of the RPG, but one could also argue this is the year of the independent developer. Marco Polo discussing why he thinks they might just save the video game industry.

Besides The Obvious: 6 Awesome SNES RPGs
In terms of the SNES and the RPG genre, some titles are obvious classics like the Secret of Mana and Chrono Trigger. Thegodofwine7 compiles a list of others that are worth noting and remembering.

Horsing Around In Assassin's Creed 3
The latest installment of the Assassin's Creed series has received mixed reviews, and Kyle Wadsworth shares his thoughts as he plays through the game and shows off photos of the trip.

Community Reviews:

A New Standard For Stealth
A short review for another independent title, bombstopper evaluates Mark of the Ninja, an action game from Klei Entertainment that might just raise the standard for stealth games.

Pit Soars Again
A solid review of Kid Icarus: Uprising for the Nintendo 3DS provided courtesy of E-Dudnetnin, who praises the game's single- and multiplayer modes and abundant in-game content.

My Game Of The Year (2012)
This might seem like a parody review, but given that Tiny & Big: Grandpa's Leftovers is a real game, the only question is whether it really is Paradigmthefallen's Game of the Year or not.

Master Chief Is Back And (Mostly) Better Than Ever
Kenny Ray awards Halo 4 a near perfect score and calls the game extraordinary before claiming it is arguably the best Halo video game ever made.

Little Inferno – Fire Is Fun. Mostly.
Nathan Powers posts a review of Little Inferno, a puzzle game developed by independent studio Tomorrow Corporation that he played on Nintendo's Wii U.

Community Podcasts:

Robot In The Corner Podcast: Episode 3-6
In their final episode of the year, the hosts talk about The Hobbit, their Christmas wish lists, and listener responses to what their favorite Christmas comedy movie is.

Don't forget to send your feedback, recommendations and community events in to my personal Game Informer account located here to ensure this feature continues to provide the content you're eager to read.

Happy Blogging!

Your friendly neighborhood blogging community (12/17/12 – 12/23/12):?????; a fleabag; Ali Rapp; Andrew Marcos; AshaMan3000 (2); Bizzleboo (2); blaxarbush911; BLiNDFATES; bombstopper (2); born4this; Bradamantium; Brandon Whiting is back; Cameron Koch; cerpintaxman (2); Coachscorner00 (2); Cru Hunter; David Chandler; DJH (3); Doctor Apozem; Draco; Drym Shyuan (2); E-Dudnetnin; Enigma; FAMESREVENGE; FinalFantasy1026; gamerguy54; General Mills44 (3); Glasses (2); Hannibal; J. Swigart; Jon Gregory aka JMan240; JordanTheGamer; Joyful Penguin (7); Kyle Wadsworth; Marco Polo; Matsuda Tohu; maxmaher; Mike; MintyClinty700; Noble 4; opposedcrow88; PandaDoom; Paradigmthefallen (6); RFXRage; Rich; Romars202129; Scopes; Shrink; stormfront; The Canadian Carson; The Destroyer (2); thegodofwine7; TOGNick; Trenchmace (3); unhipriver; vonfinell (3); wayoverdue; xking595x (3); xl9; xTheCrowing; zbad805; and of course yours truly...Saint.

Video Game Quote of the Week:
"You can't break a man the way you do a dog or a horse. The harder you beat a man, the taller he stands."  – The Jackal, Far Cry 2