
Vigil and THQ is giving Darksiders II players the option to purchase a season pass for its DLC, but it's a little complicated. There are season pass options that are dependent on where you pre-order the game, and whether or not you get the collector's, limited edition, or just the regular version of the game. Here are the details straight from THQ:

  • If you pre-order (from anywhere) Argul’s Tomb is free since you’ll automatically be upgraded to the Limited Edition. Packs 2 and 3 can then be purchased at a discounted rate through the Season Pass.
  • If you pre-order from ShopTHQ you get packs 1-3 for free (since you get the Limited Edition and the Season Pass).
  • If you don’t pre-order you can buy Argul’s Tomb and the other packs individually, or you can buy Argul’s Tomb and the Season Pass.

There is a collector's edition of the game which is more expensive and includes the Argul’s Tomb DLC along with a Death statue and unique in-game armor and weapons. There is also a limited edition version of the game (which is included in the collector's edition) that can be obtained simply be reserving the game and doesn't cost extra. Some retailers have run out of the limited edition, so if you want one of those and haven't already reserved, you will have to head to ShopTHQ, THQ's online store. The limited edition of the game also includes the Argul’s Tomb DLC.

Vigil also added, to hopefully help with clarification, "All DLC content packs will ship post launch and are new content not originally intended for the main game."

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