
Battlefield 3: Aftershock, a single-map multiplayer-only iOS version of EA's popular shooter, was just released earlier this month, but as of today it is no longer available on the App Store.

IGN reports that EA pulled the game amid low ratings on the App Store and complaints from players about the controls and connectivity issues. EA released this official statement on the removal:

"EA Mobile is committed to delivering mobile entertainment experiences that are on par with the content and quality users have come to expect from their favorite EA gaming brands. To this end, we have decided to remove Battlefield 3: Aftershock from the App Store and are currently re-evaluating the app in response to the consumer feedback we've received. We thank all the fans who have downloaded the game to date."

It's a strange, slightly surprising move, but I'm actually kind of glad to see EA owning up to releasing a bad product and making sure other gamers won't waste time on it.