reader discussion

If you've played through the Battlefield 3 single-player campaign or jumped straight into multiplayer maps online, join the conversation and tell us what you think.

DICE's highly anticipated first-person shooter made headlines this week, but not all of them were good. The game opened up to strong reviews, especially on the PC, but not many reviewers outside of Dan liked the linear single-players campaign. Everyone has praised the multiplayer, but as with Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 1943, EA mishandled the game servers, leaving many sitting on the outside looking in due to connection failures.

I've had freezing issues with my PC version, so I've put the majority of my time into the multiplayer on 360. Just like with Bad Company 2, I think DICE underestimated how quickly everyone is going to unlock all the weapons/accessories/gadgets, but I've been having a blast playing with new gadgets and jumping into the frontline battles in Rush mode. I'm not as impressed with Conquest because I think the control points are placed too closely together, and I'm perturbed that DICE added killcams and minimaps to some Hardcore servers. That said, the graphical and audio fidelity are unmatched on PC, the guns and vehicles handle fantastically, and the map designs are varied and impressive.

You've read Dan's review and listened to our Battlefield 3 podcast. Now let's hear what you have to say about your experience with the game. Share your likes, dislikes, or maybe jump into the comments section to recruit new soldiers to your platoon.